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Veyond Metaverse's AI Breakthrough: From World's First Digital Surgery to Revolutionizing Communication with AI

November 27, 2023
Los Angeles Herald
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XR Operating Room Center

At 2 PM local time, teams in Guayaquil and Toronto, previously divided by distance and language, came together in a moment of breakthrough communication. In this digital convergence facilitated by the Veyond Connect platform, the teams experienced a seamless and dynamic exchange that felt as immediate and natural as a face-to-face meeting. This interaction, powered by Veyond Metaverse's innovative AI-powered Natural Language Processing (NLP) real-time translation system, turned what was once a challenging barrier into an effortless dialogue. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of collaboration and discovery as ideas and insights were exchanged freely, paving the way for a new era in global healthcare collaboration. This technological marvel, integrating AI seamlessly into XR Immersive real-time communication, marked the beginning of a transformative chapter in XR digital surgery and global healthcare communication.

This moment of vibrant synergy signified the dawn of a new era. On September 13, 2023, Veyond Metaverse, known for its pioneering work in extended reality (XR) technology, achieved a historic milestone by successfully performing the world's first digital surgery. Shortly after, on November 10, 2023, another significant advancement followed with the testing and validation of their latest innovation, the AI-powered NLP real-time translation system, now an integral component of the Veyond Connect platform.

Prepared with these groundbreaking technologies, Veyond Metaverse is set to launch one of the world's first XR operating rooms in Yangon in December 2023. Demonstrated in collaborative digital simulations between the Canadian and Ecuadorian teams, the technology has adeptly overcome both geographic and linguistic barriers, fostering connections among medical professionals across continents and moving closer to the goal of democratizing healthcare access worldwide.

'In a world where healthcare innovation transcends borders, bridging language barriers is essential,' says Jafer Kamoonpuri, a project leader at Veyond Metaverse. 'The integration of our AI-powered NLP real-time translation system into the Veyond Connect platform has revolutionized collaboration, especially for individuals like Andres Bajana from RapiDiagnostics, who previously faced significant communication challenges.'

'Andres Bajana, a project member at RapiDiagnostics, reflected on his experience: 'Before the introduction of Veyond Metaverse's real-time translation technology, I faced significant challenges in collaborating with my English-speaking colleagues. The language barrier was not just a hurdle; it was a wall. With this groundbreaking tool, that wall has been dismantled. I now participate in critical discussions and collaborations seamlessly, feeling empowered and more connected than ever. This technology hasn't just changed the way we work; it has revolutionized it, enabling a true exchange of knowledge and expertise across linguistic divides.''

With the introduction of our AI-powered Natural Language Processing (NLP) real-time translation system, we've taken a significant step in enhancing global healthcare accessibility. This technology not only facilitates seamless communication across language barriers but also dramatically expands the reach of medical expertise. From serving a limited audience to now enabling access on a global scale, Veyond Metaverse is at the forefront of democratizing healthcare through advanced technology.

Jimmy Silva, CEO of RapiDiagnostics says "It's a remarkable moment for us at RapiDiagnostics to see such advanced XR healthcare technology making significant strides in Latin America. The integration of Veyond Metaverse's AI-driven NLP system is a monumental step forward. It eradicates language barriers, ensuring the technology's accessibility to the entire continent. This is more than technological advancement; it's a leap towards inclusive and equitable healthcare."

Advancing Global Healthcare with AI Innovations:

At the vanguard of healthcare transformation, Veyond Metaverse utilizes advanced AI to improve healthcare accessibility and quality globally. Already proficient in languages like Spanish and Korean, the company is expanding to include Burmese, overcoming the challenges of limited data for less common languages. This commitment to technological refinement is reshaping international medical collaboration, perfectly aligning with the mission to democratize global healthcare.

In the forthcoming year, significant investments in AI research and development will propel Veyond Metaverse into a leading position as an AI-powered XR healthcare provider. This strategic focus on technology enhancement aims to refine our systems' understanding and response to human language, thereby enabling seamless real-time communication for healthcare professionals globally.

We are also dedicated to enhancing the user-friendliness of our digital surgical tools, ensuring that doctors can use them intuitively and efficiently. Additionally, we are actively developing AI tools for tasks such as medical data analysis and improving situational awareness during surgeries.

These enhancements will not only facilitate the teaching and practice of surgery using our technology but also benefit healthcare education as a whole. Our substantial investment in AI research and development is poised to revolutionize real-time immersive 3D communication, enabling advanced data analytics and big data mining. These advancements will greatly enhance data management for educational purposes and elevate situational awareness in operating theaters, ushering in a transformative era in digital surgery and healthcare education.

A Testament to Collaborative Innovation:

In a strategic alliance with RapiDiagnostics S.A., a leader in healthcare technology in Ecuador and Peru, Veyond Metaverse has established a cutting-edge XR Digital Surgery training center in Latin America. This facility is poised to become a pivotal center for state-of-the-art surgical training and telemedicine consultations, promising to revolutionize the accessibility of quality healthcare. This collaboration exemplifies Veyond Metaverse's commitment to forging impactful and cooperative healthcare solutions.

Gabriel Honce, Project Leader says "Our collaboration with Veyond Metaverse in bringing this AI innovation to our XR Operating Room Training Center validates our commitment and vision. We're not just building a facility; we're pioneering a new chapter in digital surgery and medical training, setting the benchmark for healthcare innovation in Latin America."

Global Impact and Recognition:

The international medical community recognizes this achievement as a pivotal moment in digital surgery. Renowned surgeons, such as French urology expert Prof. Dr. Thierry Flam, have praised the AI NLP system for its capacity to connect global experts with regional healthcare professionals, effectively bridging distance and language barriers. Veyond Metaverse's innovations have also received international acclaim, including a recent nomination for 'VR Healthcare Solution of the Year' at the 7th International VR Awards and Digital Health Awards 2023.

A Future Powered by AI and XR:

The co-founders of Veyond Metaverse, Adam Choe, Dr. Joon Chung, and Prof. Dr. Flam, envision a future where AI and XR Healthcare technologies revolutionize the teaching and execution of surgeries worldwide. 'Our objective goes beyond mere technological progression,' states Choe. 'We are devoted to democratizing healthcare access and revolutionizing its delivery globally through cutting-edge AI solutions.'